Teacher Survey

Participant Consent Form to Participate in Teacher Survey Study

You have been invited to participate in a study that examines the use of the home language to instruct and assess English learners (ELs), not only in the ESL classroom but in content areas such as math and science. The study is being conducted by researchers at Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, NJ. If you agree to participate in this study, it is with the following understanding:

1. My participation in this study is completely voluntary.

2. I have the right to withdraw from this study at any time without any penalties.

3. My participation or withdrawal from the study will not impact future participation in other ETS studies.

4. I will not be named in any results and any feedback I provide will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes.

5. My participation involves completing an online survey lasting approximately 15 minutes about how I use or facilitate the use EL students’ home language.

6. The survey to which I will have access is considered the confidential and proprietary materials of ETS.

7. The data collected for this study will remain the property of ETS.

8. There are no known risks associated with my participation in this study.

9. The benefits of this study include increased understanding of how to better assess EL students.

10. The data I provide in this survey will be confidentially maintained on a secure, password-protected server and then destroyed three years after the completion of the study.

If I have questions about any part of my participation, I can contact Alexis Lopez, Research Scientist at ETS by phone (609-734-1985) or email (alopez@ets.org).

By clicking ‘Next’ I agree to participate in this survey according to the terms above.


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